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SMS Marketing

Alert your customers straight to their mobile

SMS marketing is one of the quickest forms of communication for any brand. With an almost 100% open rate, text messaging is a comms method that shouldn’t be ignored.

Leverage SMS marketing if you have a clear and concise message to communicate. Got a sale? New launch? Opening a new store? Utilise the speed of this channel to accelerate sales.

Here at eComOne, we understand how to balance communicating your message consistently but not too frequently so that it annoys your customers, which is a common pain point for eCommerce brands.

Add SMS marketing to your retention strategy to accelerate sales in a timely manner.

More Information

The biggest benefit of SMS marketing is its high deliverability, with a staggering near perfect 100% open rate.

It’s a convenient channel to communicate with your customers in a timely manner with short, snappy and straight to the point messages.

If managed and implemented correctly, you can increase revenue from the first message. Building out optimised SMS campaigns will help you grow your eCommerce store.

It’s a channel that works amazingly with Email Marketing, a powerhouse for customer retention.

Yes. You can set up automations for when an action has been made. One of the most important and impactful flows you should set up is cart abandonment. Similar to email, cart abandonment messaging has the quickest return.

It’s the same methodology behind any channel, if it’s not relevant to your customers, it will frustrate your customers. If your consumers have opted to SMS, they are interested hearing from you, so do it! But, if you spam them with irrelevant messages, you will annoy them. It’s about balance.


We combine our SMS offering with your Email Marketing strategy. Therefore, your retention package starts at £1,500 a month.

MillIe and Ralph new launch product examples

Success Story

Millie and Ralph

Mille and Ralph is an online retailer of designer, Spanish and traditional babywear. They started as a small family run Lincolnshire business and have now scaled to a £multimillion eCommerce business.

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